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How to start a legal cannabis cultivation

In this article we’ll discuss what steps you should take to start a completely legal cannabis cultivation in Italy.

Is it possible to grow cannabis legally on Italian soil?

Until a few years ago, growers had a huge number of questions when considering starting legal cannabis cultivation in Italy, but today, fortunately, many of these questions have been definitively resolved, and precise answers can be found to any question relating to the issue.
Currently it is possible to start this type of cultivation in Italy, but there are obviously some essential steps that must be taken, whose main objective is to guarantee and protect the legal aspects of production.
Cannabis is a plant with a thousand applications, as each part of it is used for different purposes and with different aims.
It is therefore an extremely profitable and constantly growing market which, despite the success already achieved, is destined to expand and develop considerably, to achieve even greater success in the future.

What requirements must be met to grow cannabis legally?

Growing cannabis completely legally has been possible since 2017, when an official act was issued which granted this right to anyone interested in this type of cultivation.
In the first place, it is essential to know all the legal regulations that have been enacted by legislation on the subject. This is a matter that deserves to be explored, as many aspects may appear deceptive and mislead growers who do not have appropriate knowledge in the field.
If you want to grow cannabis, it is vital to know that the only plants that can legally be grown in Italy are varieties containing an almost non-existent percentage of THC, an active ingredient which must remain under 0.2% to stay within the law.
This substance can lead to addiction, due to its narcotic effect, because it is a cannabinoid whose consumption can cause many effects, among which the best known are hallucinations, tachycardia, tremors and detachment from the real world, and numerous psychotropic effects that are potentially harmful to human health.
The problem does not arise at all if the seed to be sown is devoid of this component or contains it in insignificant doses, and as proof of this it is necessary to keep all purchase invoices relating to the plant, as they must be shown in case of checks.
Similarly, you should not remove tags bearing information that allows the origin of the cannabis seeds to be identified.
In addition, self-production is not permitted, precisely in order to avoid illegal crops destined for the drug world.
Tests are usually carried out to effectively assess the presence and quantity of THC in cannabis, and if this is present in large amounts, the authorities can and should proceed to destroy the crop and request documentation tracing it back to the original producer.

Choose which type of cannabis to grow and determine the number of plants to sow

Another basic step concerns the variety of cannabis to be planted and the size of the crop.
As previously mentioned, there are many varieties of cannabis to consider, although most growers tend to lean towards seeds of a certain type.
Among the most frequently cultivated are CS and Carmagnola, known for their dioecious properties, or predisposition to survive in different climates, especially in the very harsh temperatures common in the north of Italy.
Also very widespread are Futura 75 and Fèlina 32, which are preferable if starting cultivation in the south of the country, and finally Finola, a variety that adapts to any setting.
These are just a few of the types currently widely cultivated, but many others can also be grown completely legally.
To avoid risk, it is always better to buy seeds that are certified and recorded in a suitable register, so as to avoid accusation if problems arise regarding the crop.
Another extremely frequent question concerns the number of plants that can be grown in a particular plot.
If the plantation is fully legal, no problems of any kind will arise, and the decision will depend solely on the size of the plot to be used.
However, experts in the sector say that ideally at least 3 hectares should be allocated to the crop, because there must be space to move around and use the tools required to optimise production.
You should also not forget to inform your local authorities about your plantation, so that they can carry out the necessary checks and testing to identify your plantation.
Growers are often asked to complete a form known as a declaration of cultivation, where they must legally declare all information relating to their crop; following due checks, a certificate will be issued to authorise the continuation of the project.

What is the future of cannabis growing in Italy?

Cannabis cultivation in Italy is booming, and more and more farmers are focusing their resources and investment on this new type of crop.
In the future, we will probably see institutions set up specifically for this purpose, allowing the crop to be grown in the most suitable conditions, in order to optimise results and increase production.
This sector could play a central role in the economy of our country, since cannabis is a crop that can be grown with complete respect for nature, without the use of contaminants and substances that are harmful for animals and other plants.
To encourage this initiative, the government has developed a support scheme for anyone wishing to embark on this route.
Current incentives amount to some 700,000€ per year, to ensure that production systems undergo constant improvement; there is also a tax exemption for the first three years of the activity, which allows growers to begin by focusing exclusively on production and not on the payment of taxes, which in the early stages of the project might be particularly difficult to handle.

What obligations must be met when marketing products derived from a cannabis crop?

No matter what you choose to do with your cannabis production, you should know that there are certain obligations you must comply with.
Every product must be sold with a valid tracking document giving relevant information about the manufacturer, the year of distribution, the distributor and the intended use of the product; this information will eliminate any doubt in the event of inspections.
The goods obviously have to be packaged in compliance with legal provisions, and this considerably simplifies all procedures related to the various phases of transport, sale and distribution of the product.
By complying with all these criteria, you will be sure of starting a cannabis cultivation that’s completely legal and, above all, without risks and unpleasant surprises.

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